111 WordPress Responsive Listings Directory Theme Features List
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Feature index

With a WordPress responsive listings directory theme that’s as massive as this there will always be features that are not mentioned on the sales page. We’ll use the following index to mention and explain… everything. If it’s useful and it’s in the theme, it’s also listed here!

Create a global directory

Built for the most powerful Directory Theme Platform, here’s some of the things that makes Directory platform the most powerful among all

  • Manage multiple cities Directory works with any city with Google Maps coverage. Add your city and start creating listings for it; allow others to submit listings as well! You can add an unlimited number of cities to your site.
  • Select the location focus Creating a directory for just just 1 country, or just a few random cities? Select a location focus in order to streamline the city selection process. Choose between three options: All countries, One country and Just cities.
  • Countries and statesUse the 242 preloaded countries and 3898 states to get started with your directory faster. Each of the preloaded countries/states can be modified, you can also add new ones!
  • Manage one cityDisable the Location Manager component to switch to the single-city “mode”. When using Directory with only one city your URLs are shorter and submission process is quicker (no need to select country, state and city).
  • City logsMonitor the user activity within each city by checking out the city logs. Use it to determine your most popular cities. The feature also helps you block malicious users from posting content on your site.
  • Three city selectors Choose between three different styles for the city selector. The options are: Above header (dropdowns), Above header (lists) and Left edge of the site (dropdowns). Each selector displays the custom city message (if set).
  • Custom map markers Make your listings locations easily identifiable on the map by setting a custom marker for each listing category. Need some markers? Check out this selection of 100 free map markers.
  • 3 ways to show the first city Each visitor wants to see the city that’s most relevant to them. For the best user experience choose between three options: Show default city, Ask to show nearest city and Force nearest city.
  • 5 different map widgetsHelp visitors visualize your listings with map widgets. There are two variants of the homepage widget (single-city / multi-city) and two variants of the category page widget. Along with those there’s also a detail page map widget.
  • Customize each city While creating a city from the back-end you can add a custom description, header and even a body background to each of your cities. The description will show inside all city selectors.
  • Three preloaded citiesThe preloaded cities allow you to quickly see how content should be structured in Directory. They also provide a template on how to create new ones. Included cities are: New York, San Francisco and Philadelphia.
  • Map ShortcodesApart from 5 dedicated map widgets, you can also create your required map in your post or custom post with map shortcode with a your required map type and zoom level.

Google Map features

Allow visitors to register and post content

  • Custom register form Allow visitors to register to your site by using a custom register form. Add an unlimited number of custom fields and choose between several different field types, including: text, checkbox, radio, date picker, upload, etc.
  • Create a submission form Setup a front-end submission page for any existing or new (custom) post type. Use a handy shortcode to insert the submission form inside any page, post, listing or event widget.
  • Customize the submit form Use the Custom Fields Setup section to modify existing fields; change their options, labels and even the display location. Use the section to create new submission fields!
  • Default submission fieldsDefault/preloaded submission fields include: Title, categories, content, excerpt, city selection fields, image upload, special offers, business hours, business logo, video, contact fields (phone, facebook, email, twitter, etc).
  • 13 input field typesCustomize your submission form with these field types: Text (editor and simple text area), date picker, buttons (checkbox, select, radio), heading, multi image uploader, geo map.
  • 3 category inputs Choose between three different category input methods: Checkbox (multiple categories), Select button (one category) and Multi-select button (multiple categories).
  • Control where to show fields Apart the actual submission form, you can show fields (and their values) in other places too: category pages, detail pages, success page, advanced search form, back-end column, confirmation email.
  • Functional user dashboard From the user dashboard your visitors can see basic information about their account and also edit their posts, manage favorites, delete posts, renew posts and even upgrade posts.
  • Showcase your best authors Display the most active authors on your site using a special “People” page or the “Display Authors” widget. Entries will be sorted by the number of submitted listings.

Other registration and listing submission features

Make money with Directory

  • Charge for submissions Monetize the submission form by creating price packages (i.e., payment plans). Set a different price and validity for each. Create as many as you want/need.
  • Price package subscriptions Setup a price package that allows people to submit an X number of listings (for a set price). Information about remaining submissions will be shown inside their user dashboard.
  • Recurring paymentsAdd a recurring payment to collect money and renew the listing automatically. Recurrence (time between payments) is variable and totally up to you. Note: recurring payments require PayPal.
  • Monetize categories Along with creating price packages, you can also set a unique price for each of the categories. The category price is then added onto the price package price (during submission) and a total is calculated.
  • Charge extraAdd extra “Featured for homepage” and “Featured for category page” charges to your price packages. Featured listings appear at the top and have a fancy label over the thumb; making them easier to spot.
  • Create discounts Use the Manage Coupons section to create coupons/discounts for your price packages. Coupons can be either percentage based or fixed amounts. Once enabled, a coupon field is shown inside the submission form.
  • Upgrade posts Allow visitors to upgrade their submitted listing to a more expensive price package. After making the payment both the user and admin will be notified by email.
  • Add any currencySet the ISO currency code, the symbol, position (before/after amount) and you’re ready to go. Directory allows you to display prices in virtually any world currency.
  • Payment methods With PayPal and PreBank payment methods built-in, you can start accepting payments right away. For more options browse our selection of premium payment gateway plugins.
  • Widget advertisements Use the numerous widgets and widget areas to advertise products, services or businesses on your site. Create a contact form and tell visitors to contact you for additional advertisement options.
  • Free price packages Set the amount inside your price packages to zero to drive content into the website faster. Charging extra (with featured listings) is possible even with free price packages.

More money-making options

WooCommerce compatible!

WooCommerce is an advanced (and free!) e-commerce plugin that allows you to create a fully-functional online shop within minutes. It’s available inside the WordPress plugins directory and you can grab it right away.

  • Easy store management
  • Tax and shipping options
  • One page checkout
  • Reports and order management
  • Included coupon module
  • Extensive documentation
  • Various sharing options
  • Massive selection of add-ons
  • Security-conscious code & design

Awesome content management

  • Create listings Use the WordPress back-end area to create listings for your site. Add images, description, map location, website info and lots more. To see a listing detail page in action open this demo page.
  • Create unlimited post types Use the Directory back-end section to setup a new post type and bring your website to a whole new level. Along with the post type, you’ll also setup the matching category and tag taxonomies.
  • Customize URLs Use the dedicated “Custom Permalinks” section to edit or remove URL slugs such as “listing”, “listingcategory” or “city”. Tweak your own post types as well.
  • CSV bulk import/exportUse CSV files to import content from your previous websites; or to export your existing content. CSV imports are available for all built-in and new (custom) post types. You can also import/export cities.
  • Claim listings Allow visitors to claim listings submitted by others as their own. Use the feature with the native post type or the one you create. Listing claims are managed using a WordPress dashboard widget.
  • Review listings Enable reviews for all your post types. Submitted reviews can be managed from the WordPress’ comments section. After reviews have been submitted, the theme will display an average rating on various pages.

Comprehensive listing detail pages

Advanced category pages

  • Social share buttons Enable or disable sharing buttons for social networks like Facebook, GooglePlus, Twitter and Pinterest. Social buttons appear on listing detail pages.
  • Author page Create a page that displays an alphabetized list of authors on your site. The content is generated using a shortcode that can be inserted into any WordPress page or post. See the page in action.
  • Pinpoint functionality While on category or search pages click on the pinpoint button next to a listing to quickly focus the map on that particular listing. The pinpoint is performed instantly, no wait times.
  • Homepage sorting options Choose in which order homepage listings should display. Options include: Title asc, title desc, publish date asc, publish date desc and random.
  • Category page sort optionsOptions can be displayed in a dropdown or as simple links. Options include: Title asc/desc, publish date asc/desc, reviews, rating and random.
  • Styling shortcodes Download and install the free Templatic Shortcodes plugin to enable fancy shortcodes for styling your text. Buttons, context boxes, dropcaps… it’s all there.
  • Widgetized homepage Displaying content on the homepage is as simple as moving a widget in the desired widget area. Homepage listing widgets come with multiple options to tweak, including the ability to choose the view type (List / Grid).
  • Unlimited categories Create an unlimited number of categories and sub-categories to organize your content better. Add a category description and a custom map marker for each category! Showcase them with the “All Categories List” widget.
  • Tevolution shortcodes Use shortcodes to generate submission, login and register forms. Using shortcodes you can also generate various maps and even advanced search functionality. Shortcodes can be entered inside any page or post.

Other content management features

A plethora of widgets

… and widget areas

Miscellaneous features

  • Fully responsive design Directory is designed to work great on any device; desktop or mobile. To see this in action simple visit the demo site with your mobile phone. You can also open it with your desktop browser and resize the window.
  • Child theme readyGive Directory a totally new look by creating a child theme. You can even use one of our own… check out this page to see which Directory child themes are currently available.
  • Dashboard updates Update all four Directory components without ever leaving the WordPress dashboard. Just enter your Templatic account credentials and start the update. Don’t forget to backup!
  • Fully localized Text strings inside Directory are separated into two parts/PO files: front-end and back-end. If you don’t need the back-end localized, save time by only focusing on front-end strings.
  • Security features Block specific IPs from accessing your site or enable SSL for your registration and listing submission pages. The SSL option requires an SSL certificate in order to work.
  • RTL compatible Directory theme is fully compatible with RTL languages such as Hebrew or Arabic. Simply translate the PO into your language, activate the rtl.css file (from the back-end panel) and you’re ready to go!
  • Real-time design tweaks Use the built-in WordPress Customizer (Appearance ⇨ Customize) to alter theme colors and background in real-time. You can even change the footer credits from that section.
  • Custom CSS Editor Use the editor (available in Appearance ⇨ Custom CSS Editor) to significantly change the look of your site. Each change you make is safely saved inside the database.
  • Change site layouts Edit the layout of virtually every page of the theme. Choose between three options: One Column, Two columns (left sidebar) and Two columns (right sidebar).
  • Sticky headerEnable the sticky header option to show the navigation bar even when scrolling down the page. The navigation bar shown is the one assigned to the “Secondary” area.
  • Two navigation menusUse the native WordPress menus section (Appearance ⇨ Menus) to create a unique navigation bars for your site (one above, one below the logo).
  • Mega menu compatible Create advanced multi-column menus by installing a free Mega Menu plugin. You can see a mega menu in action by opening the Directory demo site.

Full compatibility and guaranteed support for these plugins

  • WPMLUse WPML to translate Directory in a different language and even run multiple languages at the same time.
  • WooCommerce Install WooCommerce and sell products on your site. Combine it with the Events add-on to sell tickets!
  • Social Login Login via social networks. Networks include Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Forsquare and a lot more.

New in Directory

Ever since its release in October 2013, Directory hasn’t stopped evolving. Listed below are improvements included after the initial release. You’ll also find them scattered across this documented marked with a New tag.

  • RTL compatible With Directory 1.1.8 all Directory owners looking to showcase their website in languages such as Arabic or Hebrew can do just that. With that version Directory has officially been made RTL compatible.
  • Post upgrade functionality Until this feature came along listing authors had no direct way to change the active price package; they had to wait for the listing to expire. With this improvement they can complete the tasks from the user dashboard.
  • Separate PO strings In the initial versions of Directory all text strings were lumped together inside one PO file which made it hard to translate just front-end strings. With version 1.1 translating Directory became much easier.
  • Change permalink slugs Tevolution ⇨ Custom Permalinks section was introduced with Directory 1.1.2. It allows you to change or remove these URL base slugs: listing, listingcategory, listingtags, author and city (edit only).
  • Custom CSS Editor Available from Appearance ⇨ Custom CSS Editor, this section allows you to quickly overwrite any CSS class inside the theme. The best part is that all your changes are safely stored inside the database.
  • Instant Search widget Best used inside the Header, this widget can be utilized to search through tags, reviews, categories and even custom fields. It also allows you to select whether to search within the current city or site-wide.
  • Copy the “Listing” design Creating new post types prior to the Directory 1.1.3 update was significantly harder since the new post types looked nothing like the native “Listing” post type. Since then the default design is applied automatically.
  • Map caching With Directory version 1.1.3 the homepage and category page map have become a lot snappier. Caching improved theme load times and decreased the strain on the server. Option to delete cache is also provided.
  • Report Listing on Detail pageReport any abusive or unauthorized listing that you see on a directory site. As an admin, you can enable this option from your admin panel so that your users can report any abusive content or list on your site.
  • List Cities on Directory pagesNow you can list the cities on your directory site by adding this piece of shortcode on your pages. Just create a page and you can view the number of cities on your directory site.
  • Limit Parent categoriesLimit Parent categories through your submission pages. Enabling this option will limit checking/selecting the option of the parent category on the submission page.